Internet Business Card

Monday, August 1, 2011

Go With The Traffic

We try to avoid heavy traffic by leaving earlier, taking a different route or leaving later. But, things are just the opposite on the spend a great deal of time trying to figure out how to be stuck in the middle of more of it.

It's impossible to reach any of your goals as an online business owner without traffic flowing to your website.

Many traffic sites that are driven to your site are free but, it can be difficult to figure which ones will yield the best results for your business. There are a large number of "gurus" on the Internet touting their systems to be the latest and greatest way to make millions online. I know because I was caught up in the mix. If you don't have the traffic to begin with, these systems fail in the end.

Article writing is a great way of getting the traffic that you need to your website so that you can grow your business.

Life is all about sharing information with others that can help them grow and be all they can be . You'll find that when you share with others without the expectation of getting anything back in return, that's when you truly will be blessed.

Article writing and marketing follows that sharing theme, which makes it highly effective. It empowers you to sell without selling. You don't need to be a sales guru, or a professional writer, or even a marketing wizard. You just need to have expertise in your niche that you're willing to share with others. If you can do that, you can be ultra-successful in your business.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Internet Marketers and Four Tips to Find a Good Mentor

A dictionary definition for mentor is:

1. A wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2. An influential senior sponsor or supporter.

That's all well and good but if you're looking for a mentor, or just trying to figure out whether you need a mentor, the mentor definition isn't really much help. Here's another definition for anyone who's in the Internet marketing business:
An online marketer that can teach and advise on Internet marketing techniques that will actually make money and establish relationships.
Okay, that's probably not the best definition you've ever heard but it's based on my observation that far too many Internet marketing mentors don't actually deliver enough, or the right, information to actually make money. Let's face it, a lot of the so-called 'gurus' are really just selling half-baked get rich quick schemes. Trust me, nobody started from scratch and earned $17,436 (or whatever cooked up figure comes to mind) in three days.
So how do you find a wise and trusted counselor or teacher for Internet marketing? Well, like anything else, it pays to shop around. Here are a few things to check when you're looking.
1. Does the mentor make money from Internet or niche marketing?
A lot of the gurus we come across just make their money from telling other people how to make money online. If they ever made any money from their own Internet marketing, it was probably a long time ago. You need someone who knows how to make money in today's Internet market place.

2. Can the mentor take you step-by-step through a proven Internet business system?
Many guru's will provide instructions on a monthly DVD. But has the system they describe been proven in today's market? I've seen some of these courses and seen how many of them don't provide crucial information. If you can, find out if anyone has actually made any money with the system. click here

3. Is the mentor accessible?
A monthly DVD course can't answer your individual questions. When you're stuck with something, you need to be able to contact someone for advice. Make sure any mentor you pick will be available to answer questions. Better still, find a program where more than one mentor could be available. One single person isn't likely to have all of the answers.

4. How many people has the mentor helped to success?
A mentor who has successfully helped others will not be afraid to say so. And let me be clear about what I mean by success. Success in Internet marketing is (or at least should be) measured by how much money you make. There's no point doing any of it if you don't make money at some point. Now every Internet marketer, guru or mentor will tell you that you will only make money if you take the appropriate action; and that's true. But too many mentors are willing to use that as a 'get out of jail free' card. There are a lot of very capable people in the world who are willing to do what it takes to succeed. The best mentors have helped people like that to actually make money.

I hope these four pointers will help you choose a good Internet business mentor for you. As for the mentor definition, I'll just leave you with this thought. In my experience online, I've found that people who are trust worthy and worth your attention will often stand out from the crowd like a light in the darkness. It's not easy to define why that is other than the best people don't try to get you hyped up to a sale; and sometimes they'll tell you what you don't want to hear but may need to hear. So look out for people who will tell you the hard truth. When you're in business, those are the best advisors to have.

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